ANTH 1150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Edward Burnett Tylor, Sociolinguistics, Social Stratification

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Witchcraft among the azande: film that was shown in lecture involving the use of oracles to determine the validity and outcome of adultery in the azande community such as the termite oracle and the poisoned chicken oracle. Good examples of witchcraft, magic, shamans, and oracles. Hunters and bombers: film shown in lecture regarding the low flying nato planes over native aboriginal innu land that caused a large outbreak in the community. Exogamy: marrying outside of a group (ex-crows and wolves) Endogamy: marrying within a certain group (usually our culture) The nayar people: standard example of a non-marrying society in india. Religion: a set of beliefs related to the supernatural. Ritual: religion in action, can be religious or secular. Supernatural: problematic word to describe religion as it has a fake connotations in contrast to the natural. Victor turner: studied zambian puberty rite of passages in boys. Rite of passage: ritual/ceremony that marks the transition from one life phase into another.