ANTH 1150 Final: Exam Review Compilation.docx

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Endogamy husband and wife both belong to the same social group/culture (jewish man marrying. Exogamy - husband and wife do not belong to same social group/culture. Nayar exception to the universality of marriage the nayar people of south india do not have marriage in their culture. Bands: band society: fairly small, usually nomadic local group consisting of hunter-gatherer families occupying a specific territory and is politically autonomous, much emphasis on getting along - sharing (reciprocity) is important for survival. Big man: not an office achieved status birth helps has influence and authority not power has to earn loyalty, is not given respect for nothing needs calculated generosity to be successful potlatch redistribution. Chief: moka redistribution office with a title (chief) has power and control ascribed status loyalty is owed and expected. Symbols of the town: quiet peaceful forest, full of children, families, quiet talk, warm lighting, food, peaceful, barbed wire fencing.