ANTH 1150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pastoralism, Lithic Reduction, Hominini

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Anti 1150 midterm notes: study of human kind in all its times and places, began 18-19th century, general value: create awareness of other human cultures and human diversity in general. 4 characteristics of culture: culture is shared, ex. subculture, culture is learned, enculturation, culture is based on symbols, culture is integrated, microculture. Look at different approaches and aspects, view of culture/relationship between its parts (study anything to see big picture) Ethnology: comparative study of culture, emphasis on similarities and differences. Ethnocentrism: evaluation of other cultures with our own in mind, belief your culture is better. Ethnohistory: study of cultures from recent past using oral history, archeological sites and written account. Cultural realism: thesis one must suspend judgement on other peoples practices to understand them in their terms. Two poles: absolute cultural realism: no judgement, critical cultural relativity: being open to other cultural practices depending on context. Cultural materialism: infrastructure (mode of reproduction), structure (political economy) and.