ANSC 4650 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Innate Immune System, Proinflammatory Cytokine, Antigen-Presenting Cell

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Lecture 1: body defense, host defense is needed to maintain homeostasis, resist infection and survive within its surrounding environment. Works on external surfaces like eyes, nose and gi tract to prevent pathogen entry. If entry occurs host restores itself by homeostasis by recognizing the invading pathogen as. Non self and eliminates it and survival allows for the development of long term memory against the pathogen: commensal microbes can be pathogenic or non pathogenic (bacteria) Host immune system needs to tolerate this since they are symbiotic relationship. Tolerance is established during early development, if not established can lead to disease early in life, genetics. Purpose: aids in digestion making nutrients available and has a film that prevents pathogens from binding to it. Product of antimicrobial compounds: immune system needs to recognize self from non-self (pathogens) to maintain homeostasis and tolerate commensal microbes.