ANSC 4270 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Calorimeter, Catabolism, Creatinine

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These nutrients may not always meet requirements, but will be found to some extent in the feedstuffs. These affect nutrient availability and can cause problems. You can avoid this impact from aqc and anf by the choice of feedstuffs. What does tdn and nem measure: they are measurements of energy. What is the relationship between ndf and tdn content within a feedstuff: when there is low ndf content, high energy, high ndf, low energy, negative relationship. Where do the cell components fit in with tdn: tdn= 100-ndf, positive relationship with energy. Ruminants have no upper incisors: only very wide lower incisors. Mastication of food occurs by the premolars and molars. They have extensive lateral jaw movement: designed for grinding and shearing forage, this increases surface area of the forage. Greater surface area = greater amount of attack by rumen microorganisms = increase rate and extent of digestion: mastication chewing breaks the steam and leaf up.