ANSC 3120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Distillers Grains, Phytase, Monogastric

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Carnivore mammalian species (i. e. cats, foxes, minks, etc. ) K (using ddgs or kco3) since it is low in grains. Plant and animal sources of feeds are abundant in k, high in bioavailability, not usually supplied k. Abundant in plant feeds (have phytase to release p and ca, and other minerals) Supplement p via mono- or dicalcium phosphates, or meat-bone meal or ddgs, or exogenous phytase. Must supply calcium, from milk products, legume grasses, hay, oil seed (meals) Hay, milk products, legume grasses, oil seed (meals) Milk products, meat and bone meal, fish meal. Supplemented as salt, not found in plant feed ingredients high dietary salt can also increase manure volume and water wasting in farm animal feeding and this is not desired) High in concentrates, low in roughages, high in legume crop seeds, high in leafy green plants or vegetables.