ANSC 3120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Calcification, Kidney Stone Disease, Canthaxanthin

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Laying hen nutrition producing your own layers = controlled conditions. Can feed them to attain a desirable body weight and have adequate fat reserves buying layers = not desirable producer deals with requirements for growth and egg production. Onset of sexual maturity: 17-19 weeks this age is decreasing with improved production conditions + genetics, 15-17 weeks first egg appears, 19 weeks legal age for a layer in ontario. Note: @ 15-17 weeks a broiler bird would not even be alive. Body condition of pullets at sexual maturity. @ 7-8 weeks : white birds = 1. 25 kg, brown birds = 1. 4 kg. Broilers have much faster growth rate vs. a layer broiler can weight over 3kg @ 6 weeks fat content want reserves to supply energy for egg production. Ideal pullet body condition: heavy pullets carrying enough fat as energy reserves.