ANSC 3080 Study Guide - Final Guide: Membrane Transport Protein, Cotransporter, Cortisol

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Stabilize osmolarity (volume and the concentration of ions in extracellular fluid) Remove wastes and foreign substances from the blood. Contribute to the acid balance by removing h+ and bicarbonate (hco3-) Produce erythropoietin to stimulate the formation of erythrocytes. Produce calcitriol = active form of vitamin d. Produce renin, an enzyme that regulates the formation of angiotensis ii (regulates blood pressure and aldosterone) Kidneys are located on the upper abdominal wall. Arteries, veins and ureters enter through the renal hilus. Whether you call it the bathroom, the restroom, or the loo, there are two things that all people do there. Urine is one of the body"s waste products. It is primarily composed of water and urea. Urea is a special nitrogenous waste compound that the body must routinely remove. Urine formation occurs in the kidney in three stages: filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. The kidney is the body"s blood filtering system.