ANSC 3080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pacemaker Potential, Atrioventricular Node, Cardiac Muscle

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The myocardium is composed of two types of muscle cells: Allow electrical activity to pass from cell to cell. This is the only function of autorhythmic cells. Describe the cardiac conduction system and its functional significance. Leakage of na+ inside the cell and reduced diffustion of k+ Leakage of na+ inside the cell and reduced diffustion of k+ outside the cell. Gateway for electrical conduction between atria and ventricles. Help to quickly propagate electrical activity from the av node to the rest of the ventricles. Ecg to determine heart rhythm from electrical activity. Aps propagate through atria leading to atrial contraction. Av node is activated by the ap wave, transmitting electrical activity to the bundle of hs and purkinje fibers. Electrical activity propagate through ventricles leading to ventricular contraction. Explain the role played by the autonomic nervous system in controlling the heart. Leakage of na+ inside and reduced diffusion outside.