ANSC 2340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vas Deferens, Portal Vein, Cloaca

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4. 1 digestive system diagram: oesophagus: takes food by peristalsis from mouth to stomach (proventriculus + gizzard, crop: storage sack formed by expansion of the oesophagus. For example, if the bird digests a large amount of carbohydrate, their sudden arrival in the general circulation would be very dangerous to many types of cells. So, if glucose levels are too high, the liver will store the excess as glycogen. Conversely, when blood glucose drops too low, the bird will release glucose from stored glycogen: small intestine: where products of digestion are absorbed, caecum. There are two caeca just before the cloaca at the end of the small intestine: cloaca: the common opening of excretory, digestive and reproductive systems to the exterior. In male poultry, the testes remain in their original position near the kidneys, and a highly coiled vas deferens links each testis separately to the urodeum of the cloaca: testis.