ZOOL 403 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shoulder Girdle, Branchial Arch, Gill Slit

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Myxinoidea(hag):kertatinized tooth like structures, vestibular apparatus of the ear consists of one semicircular canal, snp: integumentary mucous glands, accessory hearts in liver and tail region,complex, protrusible mouthparts and a protrusible tongue . Petromyzontoidea (lamp): the vestibular apparatus of ear consists of 2semicircular canals. Snp: single, blind-ended nasohypophyseal opening (keyhole shaped)on top of head axial arcualia , ammocoetes larva. Chondrichthyes: all cartilaginous, the first gill slit is reduced & either closes before birth, or remains open as a small aperture called the spiracle. Syn: primary perichondral and endochondral mineralization patterns placoid scales ,teeth with complex multi-cusped pattern ,teeth whorls responsible for replacement pattern ,paired fins with triangular basals and parallel series of radial cartilages. Syp: gill arches beneath braincase ,pectoral fin with two main basal elements ,dorsal fin articulates with cranial elements of axial skeleton. elasmobranchii (sharks, skates,rays). Jaw support is amphistylic (mandibular arch is supported in part by hyomandibula)or hyostylic (m. arch is supported by hymndibla).