TOUR 309 Final: Studying 36

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Studying 36: what countries are most likely to be impact. The countries that rely on tourism: countries where, the more you rely on tourism, the more likely it"ll be targeted, civil disobedience : In south america, people do a national strike, when they get upset: they place rocks on highways everywhere around the country. Its arguably a form of domestic civil disobedience. 1 and 2 are always highest: 3 and 4. insurance companies stop insuring you at level 3 in most cases, they stop insuring tour companies. If canada gets into a trade war with brazil, i might slap number 3 on brazil. Sometimes they"re used in a punitive/strategic manner: sometimes to have 3 attached to certain areas. Mexico would be number 2: parts of mexico (level 3) Studying 36: the most important is they"re unfamiliar with the environment, tourists are often unable to identify suspicious behavior, they are predictable, toursits often think it"s a moment of concern.