SOCI 325 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Control Theory, Control Theory, Gay Bar

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Attached to careers in ways their not attached to the jobs: deviant careers are more challenging than non deviant ones given the disparaged nature of deviant careers, so there are various methods of concealment and vocabularies of motive that are part of the deviant career. as a drug dealer you have to learn practical and also manage the way as a stripper you have to learn how to strip but also understand that its an extremely stigmatized stigma(cid:224) negative expectation society has of something you have to adopt vocabularies of motive and stigma associated with it its tough being a deviant. This material will come on the final in an: best summary of deliq subcultures e) deviance with other deviant, d, d retreatism, hackler notion(cid:224) merton notion crime syhmpotom of gap btw culture and b, hackler findings of higher lever of . e) psychopathic, a) older sister younger brother, c) older sister deviant peer associatin.