RELS 203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bodh Gaya, Dukkha, Noble Eightfold Path

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There was a prophecy that he would become a king or religious leader. His father steers him to become one instead of being a religious man, his mother dies at a young age which plants sadness within buddha. After a long time,the intense starving he almost dies and seeks from the opposite sex person. Buddha"s conception of selfhood of the person is called middle-way. On the one hand you have a self-indulgent life where he lives for the first 29 years of life and on the other hand, 6-year of self-mortification after he renunciates to burn out the demerits. Eventually he says that there is a type of renunciation that should not be two extremes, there should be a balance, when he achieved enlightenment, he was in none of the extremes. He lived the austere life where he renounced in a way he did not torture his body or was enjoying a perfect life: state and explain first noble truth.