PSYC 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Drug Tolerance, Unconscious Mind, Personal Unconscious

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Tolerance: decreasing response to a consistent/initial dosage of a drug; gradual increase required in order to. Marijuana and lsd produce tolerance but small effects of withdrawal (psychologically withdrawal of the feeling of happiness: physiological dependence is the major cause of drug addiction. Id: exists only in the unconscious level; it is the source of "psychic energy" (urges: totally irrational (no contact with reality, operates according to the pleasure principle; wants immediate gratification/release. Impulses - released in dreams or through slips of the tongue. John b. watson: you can encourage or discourage certain behaviours in a child that will ultimately make them more or less likely to partake in those particular behaviours. Learned stimulus (learn what is worth paying attention to: conditioned response (cr): salivate. Learned response (salivating in response to bell: acquisition (conditioning), period of learning (the tone + food portion)