PSYC 200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mind-Wandering, Microsoft Powerpoint, Observational Learning

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Powerpoint slides for the course: thought probes were powerpoint slides that read which of the following responses best characterizes your mental state just before this screen appeared? with the possible responses of a. Unintentionally mind wandering ; students" responses are recorded using an i-clicker look for changes in mind wandering rates over the course of the lecture period. 154 undergraduate students (97 women and 57 men) between the ages of 16 and 38 with an average age of 20. 8:30 a. m. on mondays, wednesdays and fridays in a large lecture hall. Thought probes were presented intermittently throughout a 12-week course. Mind wandering occurred just as frequently at all points during the lecture. Highlight the importance of caution when extrapolating findings from laboratory studies to real- world applications. David kalkstein has participants either learn a shape-sorting rule directly, by using a computer themselves, or socially, by observing someone learning the rule on the computer.