KNES 375 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hydrostatic Weighing, Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry, Comorbidity

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Knes 375 unit 10 final exam review. Body composition: gold standard for body composition is hydrostatic weighing. Other methods are measured against the gold standard to ensure reliability and validity. Male optimal range = 10-18%, female optimal range = 16-25%. >33% in f and >25% of m = obese. <16% in f and <10% in m may be related to eating disorders. Also affected by muscle mass may over-/under-estimate. Quetelet index = units for bmi = kg/m2: 4 specific bmi categories: underweight (<18. 5), normal (18. 5-25. 0), overweight (25. 0- F = gynoid = pear-shaped = similar disease associations as android. Neither affects wc and both can occur in m/f: csep-path often uses wc+bmi instead of skinfolds because time, accurate, and provides insight on category and location/distribution of fat. Skinfolds = time, needs practice, invasive, stressful: method of assessment #3: skinfold testing, uses sum of 3+ skinfolds in a quadratic equation to estimate body density.