KNES 260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bronchoconstriction, Partial Pressure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Types of alveolar cells (i, ii, and macrophages and what they do) The mechanics of inspiration and expiration what happens to thoracic volume and pressure with each , and what happens to air flow; what muscles are involved with each (both passive and forced inspiration and expiration). Things that affect air flow (the pressure gradient and resistance). Things that determine lung compliance and recoil (elastin, collagen, and surfactant) Volume and pressure have an inverse relationship: if volume increases, then pressure decreases, if volume decreases, the pressure increases. Name the structures air passes through on down the respiratory tract. Mouth/nose pharynx larynx bronchi bronchioles alveoli. Internal respiration: capillary gas exchange in body tissues (between blood and tissues) External respiration: exchange of o2 and co2 across the respiratory membrane (between alveoli and blood) What does surfactant do: detergent like lipid and protein complex produced by type ii alveolar cells, decreases surface tension of alveolar fluid, discourages alveolar collapse.