GLGY 353 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Unified Soil Classification System, Clay Minerals, Latosol

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Meaning of horizon labels: o, a, ah, ae, e, b, c, r and recogniion of such horizons in soils. Developed from decay of mosses, woody materials, dead plants and animals. A horizon: contains minerals (top most mineral layer) and organic mater. Contains enough om to give the soil a dark colour. Ae horizon: eluviaion of clay (e layer), fe, al, om. B horizon: horizon iluviated and enriched in om, sesquioxides, clay. Relaive solubility of silica, sesquioxides, and carbonate in the near-surface environment, and what happens to those consituents in diferent climates. According to above igure, at normal phs, sio2 is a litle soluble. Arid zones: not enough rainfall to dissolve the sio2 and leach down. Humid zones: litle mobility because there is a litle of water. A small amount of silica as well as all other consituents are leached down, most of the silica remains.