ENGL 303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Louise Rosenblatt, Stanley Fish, Textual Criticism

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Mist understand the text to understand ourselves, and understand ourselves to understand the text. What a text is cannot be separated from what a text does. Focus on different/same detailed: importance changes based on purpose/objective; determines interpretation of text (based on personal experiences) Identify with the aggressor to temporarily relieve psychological pain: minimize pain by focussing on positive qualities, holland: pattern of psychological conflicts and coping strategies = identity theme. Identifying authors identity theme = fully experience gift author offers. References to the reader are really references to the critic analyzing his/her own reading experience. Fish (affective stylistics): informed reader ; attained literary competency necessary; consciously tries to suppress the personal or idiosyncratic dimension of their response. Wolfang iser: implied reader ; reader the text seems to be addressing; attitude of the narrative towards reader. Hypothetical readers used to position readers to guide their interpretation. Ultimate goal = increase understanding of reading process using interpretations.