ANTH 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Creole Language, Code-Switching, Linguistic Determinism

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Learn language: find an informant and establish rapport. 2: take notes census, analyze documents and history, interviews, partcipate, ethic. Language: a form of communication that is a systematic set of arbitrary symbols shared among a group and passed on through generations. Other forms of expression: facial expression, body gestures kinesics, use of space proxemics, writing, math, music, art, sign. Grammar: making a sentence, subject, verb, object (words) Language is a code not only for factual info but for social as well: honorifics. Many ways to ask for the cup depending on who you are asking. Power related to superior, equal, subordinate, based on social status difference. Spanish t of intimacy or u of formality, tu or usted: performative, political o o o. Social acts must be carried out through proper rituals by proper person. Politicians with good public speaking skill seize power, particularly in na. Spoken in many aa communities opposes to standard american english.