SOC334 Study Guide - Scholasticism, Blue-Collar Worker, Proletariat

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She saw gender to be thee social construct, the only one. it is consequential for the difference in social position. Bourdieu has a very similar interest: interested in social difference. he too will critique scientific objectivism. but for bourdieu, the mechanism is not gender, but. We"ll discuss how he rearticulates and transcends the classical understanding of the concept of class, bringing together marx, weber, and durkheim The actual, physical space where activities occur and actors act. He has to make a massive maneuver to do this, a maneuver that changes sociology. The network of relations between and among positions actors hold within particular. It is the network of relations between the positions of the actors there are several hierarchies of fields as well as hierarchies within each field. Consider the banking space. there are actors who are sleeping and actors who are taking out money.