SOC334 Study Guide - Pierre Bourdieu, Symbolic Capital, Metatheory

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*i will not copy the notes today but just comment on them, and i can read the notes off of the eclass. Class is so central. that symbolic phenomena made through symbolic performances. Actors are in position with one another and they are stuggling for power to accomplish their projects. He is looking at the webs between material and symbolic capital. he is looking at both objective positions and subjective embodied sedimentation of social structures who in turn construct the world. This is how people, using their habitus, are able to plan, create, and do things. Class does not pre-exist, it only happens when people are struggling to acquire or. Control some form of capital. struggle emerges as we all try and do the things we want to do. All of this happens, for bourdieu, in a very symbolic way. The conversion of accumulated labour which is needed to produce the type of power.