SOC321 Study Guide - Final Guide: Juvenile Delinquency, Identity Politics, Determinacy

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Aboriginal youth crime is an outcome of historical practices, processes severing in trauma among generations of aboriginals. ( residential schools) It is understood crime is about harm and harmed relationships and behaviour is the result of victimization, trauma due to the broken promises and relationships of aboriginals values. (aboriginal vs. Understanding the offender and the context which he or she choses to commit an offence helps to consider the value of healing process in dealing with the offender. Two key factors: experiences shared between aboriginal vs. settlers (history, culturally, socially, economic, (intergenerational trauma, the repercussion of which are felt in the daily lived experience"s of. Aboriginal youth i. e. : poverty , unemployment, over represent in justice systems, dropout, racism, discrimination) these provide historical context to understand criminalization of aboriginal youth. Criminalization: individuals are labelled as criminals (supreme court provides backdrop of structural explanations of the overrepresentation of aboriginal.