SOC321 Study Guide - Final Guide: Depressant, Opioid, Harm Reduction

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Document Summary

Substance abuse - excessive use of a substance chapter 10. Youth substance abuse concern for canadians: determinately to person"s future / cost for individual, family society. Total cost of substance abuse is 39. 8 billion dollars, or 1,267 per canadian. Hospital costs descending ( alcohol, opioids, cannabis, cocaine ) 10x greater hospital stays regarding alcohol disorders, opioid is second highest: males age 45-64, reserve most hospital beds due to alcohol related disorders. Alcohol related disorders increased three times greater then psychoactive substances combined: early to late high school, males appear to engage in daily cannabis use, more reported to drink and drive. Alcohol use: alcohol most commonly used by youths, legal substance with restrictions and regulations in. The percentage of students smoking a full cigarettes increased within age. In 2012 the mean age of smokers at 25 years are 16. 4. Students may be susceptible to smoking , males were more susceptible than females.