SOC271 Study Guide - Final Guide: Baby Boom, Demographic Transition, Voluntary Childlessness

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10 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Having children: childbearing as choice, broad trend in parenting, baby shock and public policy, dimensions of parenting and parenthood. 2 years imprisonment, publish or advertise or use medicine or drug that prevented conception (section 179 of 1892 canadian criminal code) 1960: birth control devices legalized for therapeutic rather than contraceptive. 1 in 5 canadian women will not have a child (biologically, some infertile: timing, priorities, motherhood no longer master status. Baby boom in 1961 at 3. 9 children per woman, and then declines in numbers till 1. 6 in. Age at birth of first child for canadian women. Baby boom was about 23. 5 while in 2010 is about 28. 2 years old. As age of first birth is higher, there is a policy response to this in alberta that women who were pregnant, they were considered high risk. High risk age has now been bumped to. Decline in teen childbearing (majority is not planned pregnancy, increase in birth control use)