REN R205 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Plains Spadefoot Toad, Pipidae, Northern Leopard Frog

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Frogs and toads (order anura: tongueless frogs (family pipidae, tailed frogs (family ascaphidae, spadefoot toads (family scaphiopodidae, toads (family bufonidae, tropical frogs (family leptodactylidae, treefrogs (family hylidae, narrow-mouthed toads (family microhylidae, ranid frogs (family ranidae) Salamanders (order caudata: sirens (family sirenidae, amphiumas (family amphiumidae, mudpuppies (family proteidae, hellbenders (family cryptobranchidae, lungless salamanders (family plethodontidae, newts (family salamandridae, mole salamanders (family ambystomatidae) Turtles (subclass testudines: snapping turtles (family chelydridae, pond and box turtles (family emydidae, musk and mud turtles (family kinosternidae, tortoises (family testudinidae, soft-shelled turtles (family trionychidae) Lizards (order lacertilia: iguanoid lizards (superfamily iguanoidea, geckos (superfamily geckonoidea, night lizards (gamily xantusiidae, scinks (family scincidae, alligator lizards and glass lizards (family anguidae, venomous lizards (gamily helodermatidae, whiptails (family teiidae) Snakes (order serpentes: boas (family boidae, colubrids (family colubridae, coral snakes (family elapidae, vipers and rattlesnakes (family viperidae) Endotherm: an organism capable of metabolic thermoregulation (e. g. birds, mammals)