RELIG274 Study Guide - Final Guide: Western Esotericism, Heinrich Kramer, Zande People

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Heresy: acts against christian doctrine, such as renouncing god, or worshipping the devil (relationship to diabolism) However there is no definitive evidence that midwives were in fact targeted, some midwives were even used to aid in the witch hunts themselves. Malleus maleficarum: witches" hammer, written by heinrich kramer and jacob springer. It was a handbook that helped judges deal with accusations, and connected black magic (maleficia) by providing explanations and evidence that one who practiced black magic was also involved with the devil. Salem: popular account of witch trials in the town of salem (north american example of the witch craze) Spectral evidence: invisible evidence for one to be a witch, and was the method of finding a witch in salem. Touch test: also in accordance to the doctrine of effluvia. Suwa"ye: the term for magic according to the kuranko tribe.