R SOC375 Study Guide - Final Guide: Square Enix Europe, Public Knowledge

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Democratic society: citizens asked to make decisions about funding and reg of science and tech. Science communication is 1 technique being used to bridge divides in issues such as climate change and energy issues. 5 main purposes of science communication: awareness, enjoyment, interest, opinion formation, and understanding. Historically, assumed that ignorance is the basis of a lack of societal support for various issues in science and tech. Known as the knowledge deficit model of science communication. Concept of science literacy: understanding of basic scientific words and facts, understanding of general scientific process, understanding of policy issues related to science. Majority of adults in the us were found to be scientifically illiterate. If individuals interpret info in a rational and objective manner, many believe that conclusions of public audiences will be supportive of science. Simis et al. pose 4 lines of reasoning and empirical data why deficit model persists in science & its public communication: 1.