R SOC375 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Movement Organization, Erving Goffman, Centrality

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Framing processes and social movements: an overview and assessment. Has been applied most extensively to the study of social movements and collective action. Pronounced proliferation on scholarship on collective action frames and framing processes. Framing processes are central in understanding the character and course of social movements. Movement actors: viewed as signifying agents actively engaged in the production and maintenance of meaning for constituents, antagonists and bystanders: deeply embroiled, referred with media, local gov and the state as politics of signification. Moved by social movement scholars conceptualize signifying work or meaning construction by using this verb. Collective action frames: resultant products of this framing activity. Goffman: schemata of interpretation enables individuals to locate, perceive, identify, and label occurrences within their life spaces. Frames help render events or occurrence meaningful and function or organize experience and guide action. Collective action frames perform this interpretive function by simplifying and condensing aspects of the worldout there.