PSYCO275 Final: Psychology 275 Notes

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Biopsychology: biology of behaviour - nervous system produces and control behaviour. Quasi experimental studies: ie. does smoking cigarettes cause cancer, unethical to assign groups of humans; therefore need to examine real world, drawback: only correlational; not casual. Applied research: (bohr) pure - conducted for learning new information ie. how does the brain work to produce a memory, (edison) applied - conducted to bene t mankind ie. how to prevent alzheimer"s disease. Divisions of biopsychology: most use more than one approach, neural control of behaviour, behaviour on drugs, brain damage, effect of brain on physiology, neural basis of human cognition, evolutionary biology of behaviour. Thursday, september 18, 2014: hypoglossal, accessory, optic, trigeminal, facial, glossophocary. > forms single reservoir: hydrocephalus: tumor obstructing channel causing water and uid build-up. Neurons: external anatomy: specialized cells for electrochemical signals. Supports neurons multiple processes (dendrites, axons and synpases) Encephalon: in the head, 3 swellings: fore, mid, hind. Metencephalon (hindbrain) - brainstem: ascending and descending tracts.