[PSYCO239] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (40 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Psychological dysfunction:refers to a breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or behavioural functioning. For example, if you are out on a date, it should be fun. If you experience severe fear all evening and just want to go home, even though you have nothing to be afraid of. Personal distress or impairment: impairment in social or occupational functioning. You are so shy that you find it impossible to date or even interact with people. Most psychological disorders are simply extreme expressions of otherwise normal emotions, behaviours, and cognitive processes. Psychopathology is the scientific study of psychological disorders. Prevalence: number of people displaying a disorder in the total population at any given time (compare with. Clinical description: represents the unique combination of behaviours, thoughts, and feelings that make up a specific disorder. incidence). prevalence). to say and seek help. Gender differences in the advice we give people. Incidence: number of new cases of a disorder appearing during a specific time period (compare with.