PSYCO105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Quasi, Long-Term Memory, Deep Structure And Surface Structure

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*these are only important exam points, please review all lecture and textbook notes to ensure all exam points are covered. Research process: create a question, make a prediction, test prediction, analyze data, add to theory. Operational definition - specifies exactly how a variable is measured. Cons - hard to tell if relevant, non casual. Validity - when an experiment tests what it is designed to test. Internal validity - degree to which conclusions are supported. Threats - confounding variables, demand characteristics, placebo and experimenter expectancy effect. Chapter 12 - developmental psychology: longitudinal - many tests over one"s lifetime, cross sectional - many tests with different age cohorts, sequential design - best of previous 2. Sensitive period - begins and ends gradually and being can still learn after sensitive period, just not as well (e. g. language and attachment) Assimilation - performing the same schemas (babies puts spoon in mouth)