PSYCO105 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Twin, Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence, Prospect Theory

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Concepts: refers to a mental representation that groups shared features of related objects, events, or other stimuli. Category-speci c de cit: an inability to recognize objects that belong to a particular category while leaving the ability to recognize objects outside the category undisturbed. De cits usually are caused by stroke or trauma to the brain. Trauma to the front part of the left temporal lobe results in a di culty in identifying humans. Damage to the lower left temporal lobe results in di culties in identifying animals. Family resemblance theory: members of a category have features that appear to be characteristic of category members but may not be possessed by every member. Prototype theory: category members that have many features in common with other members are rated as more typical of the category than members that share few common features. This theory is built upon the family resemblance theory.