PSYCO105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Autism Spectrum, Psychogenic Amnesia, Anxiety Disorder

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One in five canadians suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder. Nearly half of all north americans between the ages of 15 and 54 will experience a psychological disorder at some point in their lives. Psychological disorders are the second leading cause of disability and medications to treat anxiety and depression are the most frequent prescribed. One adolescent commits suicide every 90 seconds and 4000 canadians commit suicide every year- 90 percent of them were diagnosed with a mental disorder. Abnormal behaviour: defined as behaviour that is personally distressing, personally dysfunctional, and/or so culturally deviant that other people judge it to be inappropriate or maladaptive. Psychological disorders are not just a modern problem, they have been prevalent throughout history as well. Examples include mozart whom developed paranoid symptoms, winston churchill and abraham. Throughout history psychological disorders have been explained reflecting the culture of the time- many civilizations believed that abnormal behavior was caused by supernatural forces, linked to the devil.