PSYCO104 Study Guide - Final Guide: Classical Conditioning, Abbreviation, Walkerton, Ontario

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PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
PSYCO104 Full Course Notes
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Learning is a process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in an organism"s behaviour or capacities. Habituation: decrease in strength of a repeated stimulus. Getting used to the ticking sound of a clock. Sensitization: increase in strength of a repeated stimulus. Classical conditioning: learns to associate two stimuli, such that one stimulus comes to produce a response that originally was produced by the other stimulus. E. g. hearing songs on the radio that make you feel good because it is connected to special times you"ve had. Alerts organisms to stimuli that signal impending arrival of an important event. Pavlov (physiologist): studied digestion by measuring a dog"s natural salivary response. Found out dogs salivate before food was presented (hearing footsteps of the approaching experimenter) Factors that influence the acquisition and persistence of conditioned responses: Acquisition: period during which a response is being learned. Neutral stimulus: doesn"t trigger salivation response yet. (a bell ringing, a color, a furry object)