NURS341 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Esophageal Varices

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History/information: the patient is a 48 year old male with a 25 year history of alcohol abuse and a 40 pack year history of smoking. Although he is employed full-time, he has been increasingly absent from work in the past 6 months due to lethargy, fatigue and shortness of breath. About 18 months ago, he was diagnosed as having alcoholic cirrhosis. Six months ago he underwent endoscopic variceal band ligation for bleeding of esophageal varices and referral to liver transplantation was made post ligation. Copd was diagnosed during the liver transplant evaluation. Smoking and alcohol cessation plans where initiated at that time. Last week the patient contracted an upper respiratory tract infection that continued to worsen. He went to a walk-in-clinic and was prescribed the antibiotic doxycycline for his persistent cough. He was last seen by his regular healthcare provider a month ago. His liver function tests, total bilirubin and albumin levels at that time indicated severe liver disease.