NURS140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Postcentral Gyrus, Primary Motor Cortex, Medulla Oblongata

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15 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Sensory area is in parietal lobe (post-central gyrus) Three order neurons: first order neuron: stimulus to spinal cord. Synapse in posterior/dorsal grey horn: isecond order neuron - dorsal root ganglion to thalamus. Synapse in thalamus: ithird-order neuron - thalamus to cortex. Origin is spinal cord and destination is cerebellum. Origin is spinal cord and destination is thalamus. Cross over in spinal cord - contralateral. Cross over in medulla after synapsing in the fasciculus - ipsilateral: motor. Origin is cortex (pre-central gyrus) and destination is spinal cord (lateral white column) Upper motor neuron starts at cerebrum to ant. gray horn. Lower motor neuron starts at anterior gray horn to muscle. Origin is vestibular nuclei and destination is spinal cord. Comprised of two or three neurons that work together. Both are paired and contralateral left side of brain processes info. from right side of body and vice-versa. Protected by bones, csf, cranial meninges and blood-brain barrier: cerebral cortex.