NU FS374 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Beta-Lactoglobulin, Allergen, Antibody

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In canadian milk there is approximately 3. 3% protein on a wet basis. There are two main types of proteins in the milk: casein (80%, whey proteins (20%) Casein is not soluable i(cid:374) (cid:449)ater a(cid:374)d therefore is(cid:374)"t prese(cid:374)t as i(cid:374)di(cid:448)idual molecules like lactose is. To make sure the protein gets through to the newborn the submicelles cluster together and create a bigger micelle. It is so important that these proteins get through to the newborn because these micelles deliver the calcium to the newborn. If the (cid:373)icelles did(cid:374)"t carry out this task the free ca would be destroyed because of the ph of milk. The micelles are held together by 2 types of glue1) the inside glue i. e. ca phosphate and 2) the outside glue i. e. The micelles are held together by 2 types of glue1) the inside glue i. e. ca phosphate and 2) the outside glue i. e. kappa-casein.