[MMI351] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (30 pages long!)

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Emerging diseases: new diseases that appear or become known, often due to increased human contact with a microbe that has been around for years, or diseases that are now known to have bacterial origin. Re-emerging diseases: the appearance of old diseases that were thought to be under control. Surveillance programs: programs developed to monitor the appearance of new diseases, antibiotic- resistant bacteria, and other emerging infectious disease or epidemiological patterns. Microbiota shift diseases: diseases that are not caused by a single bacterial pathogen, but rather a shift in the composition of natural microbial populations of the human body that has pathological consequences. Bacterial vaginosis - a shift in the vaginal microbiota from primarily gram+ve to gram-ve anaerobes; linked to low birth weight and pre-term births. Microbes were first observed by antonie van leeuwenhoek. Louis pasteur disproved the spontaneous generation hypothesis in his classic experiment with the swan- neck flask.