MMI133 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Granuloma, Toxicodendron Radicans, Immunosuppression

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Mucous membranes= thin and permeable barriers: *line resp, gi, rep, and uri tracts, ciliary escalator= mechanical removal, move back and forth (things back up the system coughing, mucous= produced by goblet cells, flush away organisms and prevent pathogens binding to host cell, clinical: smokers have damaged cilia and that is a risk for infections. Neutrophils: found in blood (wbc, control circulation and things to go look for sites where complex has been activated, phagocytosis (eat and destroy, first to arrive (pus formation) and is the initial phagocytosis force at the infected site, neutrophils form nets when they die dna is sticky (trap bacteria and easier for others to eat, fast and short life span (no mitochondria) removed by spleen or eaten by macrophage, have pouches with granules: enzymes to kill and inflammatory mediators. Macrophage: found in blood (wbc, very good at phagocytosis for invaders and dead/damaged cells (neutrophils, in circulation= monocyte (precursor, in tissue= macrophage (excited and grows into, apc.