HGP100 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Azimuthal Equidistant Projection, Map Projection, Thematic Map

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Document Summary

Geography is the study of earth"s landscapes, people, places and environments. Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. Where you live matters e. g. it shapes your political views, cultural expectations, health. Creates places and spaces through norms that shape our behaviors. As society and societal requirements change, so does geography. Where they are, what they are, how they interact over space, what kind of landscapes they build. What makes one place different from another. Here"s how this place is different from this place. Search for principles of spatial organization, measurement, analysis. Everything relates to everything else, but things that are closer to each other are more likely to be related than things further away. Exists as relations between objects on earth"s surface. Heart of mapmaking, regional studies and spatial analysis. Both see space as a container for things and activities.