ENGL108 Study Guide - Adpositional Phrase, Dependent Clause, Unit

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You will use commas more confidently if you know the difference between a clause and a phrase and if you follow these rules. Phrase: a group of words without a subject and a verb. Participial phrase: to think carefully after eating dinner. Clause: a group of words with a subject and a verb. Subordinate clause: because i was hungry (subordinate clauses begin with subordinate conjunctions such as because, although, since, as, if, when, while, before, after, unless, until. ) Main clause: i was hungry. (main clauses can stand alone as complete sentences. ) Use a comma to separate words, phrases, or clauses in a series. This year i"m taking english, psychology, sociology, and french. (include the comma before and. ) Belinda looked behind the chesterfield, in her purse, and in every drawer for her missing keys. The defiant child refused to say what his name was, where he was going, or why his face was covered with bruises.