ENCMP100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Text Editor, Row And Column Vectors, Matlab

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Permit a user to create and modify programs. Calculations can be performed in the command window using +, -, *, / and ^ for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation respectively. After the expression is typed, the result is immediately calculated after pressing enter. Special kind of variable whose value should not be altered. A combination of explicit values, constants, variables and functions. 2+3 (evaluates to 5 when you press enter) A statement where a value on the right side is assigned to a variable on the left. This is used when a and b are both row vectors(for example) and their dimensions don"t agree for regular matrix multiplication. *b multiplies each entry of a by the entry of b, yielding a row vector the same size as a and b. These functions can be used to construct expressions and assigned to variables (through an assignment) Parenthesis can be used to change the order of operation.