EDU210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Assistive Technology, Dyslexia, Cochlear Implant

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Document Summary

Assistive technology: what is at, generic term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices and the process used in selecting, locating, and using them (wikipedia, eg. Include: knowledge and expertise about the student, the assessment process, evaluation of the tools, training. Strategies for implementing the devices: effective use of atl for students includes, understanding of the devices, how to use them effectively to make a difference for the student(s, how to incorporate at into daily lessons and routines. Speech generating communication device: at support personnel may include. Speech language pathologists: occupational therapists, physical therapists, assistive technology specialists, educational tech specialists. Need to wear a mic with kids with cochlear implants: at support personnel may include, educational audiologists, teachers of the deaf, assistive technology specialists, educational tech specialists, eg. Kids who are blind - use jaws: at support personnel may include, teachers of the blind visually impaired, assistive technology specialists, educational tech specialists.