CHRTC350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cubit, Negative Relationship, Theism

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Clash between science and religion because of g. = siding with copernicus in his heliocentric views, that the earth indeed rotated around the sun, although this opinion was unpopular among the church due to scripture. Mention that it is very easy for stories in the scripture to be taken too literally. Although it was thought that the earth was in the middle because of scripture, g. proved in a scientific way that indeed the sun was in the middle. Very good point about the new t + old. As you can see, sun and religion can really co-exist in the world. Proof that there must have been a flood, and it must have been worldwide: negative relationship: the talk about the arc not nearly being big enough to hold enough food supplies for a year. This is where science comes to break down the faith aspects of religion. Too many facts: over analyzing of the bible: ex.