ANTHR219 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jacques Boucher De Crèvecœur De Perthes, Later Stone Age, Lower Paleolithic

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Document Summary

What is anthropology: the study of humans, encompasses all varieties of peoples and cultures in all time periods, global and comprehensive. Four fields of anthropology: biological anthropology paleoanth, human biology, cultural anthropology social organization, technology, economic, archaeology prehistoric arch, historical arch, linguistic anthropology. Archaeology: study of the past via material remains; artifacts, features, ecofacts, fossils. Biological anthropology: study of human (primate) biology and evolution. Linguistic anthropology: study of language in relation to cultural, historical and biological contexts, language as unique to humans. Cultural anthropology: study of human diversity, focused on learned behavior and ideas that humans acquire in society, culture. Applied anthropology: action anthropology , the application of anthropological knowledge to create solutions to real world problems. Cultural relativism: concept that cultural practices varies from each group depending on the particular societies beliefs. Research design: ensures data/research is organized, efficient, and valid, steps; Defines a problem, where to look and what type of data to collect.