CHEM 2310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Antoine Lavoisier, Chemical Formula, Octet Rule

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22 Aug 2013

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Can ireplicate the experiment to prove my claim. Sufficiency is the evidence being presented to support this claim sufficient. So the more grandiose the claim, the evidence must be very significant. If a claim passes all four flares tests, then it may be true. New evidence may be brought forward to disprove the claim. If it fails even one of the tests, it is likely to be false. Testimonial cannot be used as evidence to support a claim. 1808 increasing number of known elements around that time with no apparent order. John dalton set up the first table based on atomic masses relative to hydrogen. 1869, dmitri mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass. He also predicted the properties of those elements. When those elements were eventually discovered, many of his predictions were found to be accurate. Compounds can be broken down into simpler ones by chemical means, elements cannot.