WMST 1000Y Study Guide - Final Guide: Buck Angel, Heteronormativity, Underground Railroad

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What is feminism and why do we need it. Jessica valenti defines feminism as the belief in the social, economic and political equality of the sexes and the movement forward around that belief. F rom lecture, it is the recognition that women are s ubordinated, identifying s ources of s ubordination, activis m to end s ubordination, s trategies to overcome s ubordination. B ell hooks als o defines it as a movement to end s exis m, s exis t exploitation and oppres s ion. We need it to change the view of women in the society today. Women face a lot of oppressions that men do not face, and feminism is important to end these oppressions. According to bell hooks, its important to live in a fair world where there is no domination and males and females are equal.