SOCI 2610H- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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It concerns itself with theories about the social relations between individuals and groups of people within a particular society: patterned group behaviour. Sociology of deviance: difference between conformity and non-conformity, conformity or non-conformity to social rules, we have social rules because there is a possibility for people not to follow the social rules. If we did not need the rules, we would not have them. Both agree humans need rules to govern our behaviour. Informal: unwritten, social norms aka common sense, formal, written, laws, rules, etc. -- now that there are rules, there is the opportunity for deviance --- Deviance: the violation of any rules or norms that govern our behaviour and maintain social order, when we deviate, we are abnormal or unnatural. Examples of deviance: women who choose not to get married or have children, body modifications (ex. / tattoos, piercings, criminals, being a minority.